An Elective For All

In Academics, Fine Arts, School by Kayla JohnsLeave a Comment

Choosing an elective is something we’ve all struggled with since junior high, and in high school the choice gets harder as more electives are added to the list. Most of us choose something we’re good at. If you’re an artist you chose art, if you’re a musician you chose band or orchestra, or if you’re a singer you chose choir. And those are just the fine arts. There are other electives like theatre, dance, drawing, yearbook, and much more. But does anyone actually know how electives prepare students for life after high school? Understandably, electives are known to be the classes’ students enjoy the most during the school day. They’re a lot more fun than regular classes and much more enjoyable than most. Students are usually more enthusiastic about their electives than their regular classes. And who can blame them when electives are a great way to relieve built up stress. Not to mention, they teach us about the stuff we’re actually interested in. Electives prepare us for our future careers and they teach us how to relieve stress in a good way. Along the way, electives teach us important lessons about things like responsibility, hard work, leadership, and many other things.

“Orchestra has definitely benefited me, it has helped me learn patience, build self-discipline, become a better musician, and become a better person,” an orchestra student said.

Electives teach students to express their creativity and their emotions through different forms of art. Choir teaches students how to express their emotions through music. Newspaper and yearbook teach students how to work with others and how to be responsible. And there are so many more electives that teach so much more material that will benefit students of all kinds.

Choosing an elective can be a difficult decision, but it doesn’t always have to be. Some tips for choosing an elective would be to take something you think you’ll actually enjoy. Don’t take art if you hate drawing or painting, and don’t take band if you don’t think you can handle all the practice that goes into it. Don’t take something if you don’t think you’ll learn anything from that class. Don’t take an elective just because your friend is taking it. Take a class you genuinely think you’ll enjoy and that you’ll learn from. And if you want to try something new then go for it, taking a risk is how you discover new hobbies.

All in all, electives benefit us all in many way. They teach us what other classes can’t teach and they give us all a break from our regular classes. While choosing your elective can be a difficult decision, in the long run they’ll probably end up being one of the classes you enjoy the most. Whether you’re a musician, an artist, an actor, singer, or even an athlete, there’s an elective for you.

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