Helping Students Cope with Anxiety

In Features, News by Macayla RichardLeave a Comment

Anxiety is extremely rough to handle. It takes your breath away, has you feeling like the room is closing in around you, and you can’t stop crying. Anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, experts say the rates of kids with anxiety has raised.

“[ The first day of school felt] nerve wracking. I didn’t know anybody and I was scared of judgement. This school was all new to me. I talked to my mom throughout the day, and friends from Memorial. I think I’ll get more comfortable throughout the school year and be able to make more friends,” new Deer Park student, Samantha Rodriguez said.

Students who are trying to cope with anxiety, sometimes don’t like to talk to the counselors. If that is you and you’re reading this, here is some advice. Inhale. 1, 2, 3. Exhale. 1, 2, 3. Repeat until a steady feeling overcomes you and you’re not closed in. When in class and anxiety strikes, students are allowed to get up. Let the teacher know you’re leaving the class to calm down somewhere that makes you more comfortable. The counselors do suggest to see them and talk, for the students sake, and to help you feel better. They find ways to cope with these exotic feelings.

“It depends, if it’s mild anxiety we’ll sit and talk about calming strategies. If it’s an everyday anxiousness, we’ll contact the teachers and letting them step out of class for a moment so they can calm themselves. If it’s severe and affects their functions, we use outside resources like therapy and find other coping strategies specific to them. Students have different triggers, it could be something out of school, memories, or stressers,” Deer Park Counselor, Mrs. Babcock said.

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