Hurricane Harvey began on August 25, 2017 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds in the eyewall between 115 and 130 and more than 50 inches of rain. By the end of the weekend, it left with more than 70 casualties, and 21,000 of those effected in shelters or hotels in its wake. Many homes got wiped out by the storm, and many are still underwater. With all this, Hurricane Harvey cost up to more than $75 billion of damage.
After the havoc Hurricane Harvey caused, many people began cleaning out their houses, and dumping all the molded furniture out to the curb. Like mold, another threat were Mosquitoes carrying diseases, like Zika or the West Nile Viruses, that migrated by following the hot moisture Harvey produced. This mostly left people to abandon their homes, and find somewhere else to stay like a hotel or maybe close relatives that live nearby. Many shelters were overwhelmed and had to turn some evacuees away, and with a city of 6.6 million citizens, it’s not hard to believe the small amount of free beds available. As of now, about 20,000 victims still remain in scattered shelters and hotels.
However, there are signs of life looking up. During the storm, more than 120,000 people and 5,000 pets were rescued and evacuated. While these evacuees lost most of their possessions, they are thankful to have their families together and are staying dry. Schools are back in session and kids are being taken care of with free breakfasts and lunches for the time being. Many schools that were not affected are “adopting” flooded campuses by raising donations and volunteering where they can. The most flooded interstate highway, I-10, is now fully dry and open for public use. While water-treatment facilities in Beaumont were severely compromised, they are in the process of recovery and must wait until officials can test the waters to ensure the level of drinking safety.
After all of the chaos and tragedy Hurricane Harvey caused, Texans are nothing if not selfless and giving. Houstonians and Texans alike band together to help their neighbors, friends, and even strangers. We can all truly be thankful for those who risked their lives and opportunities to help in any way they could. While the recovery is still underway, and will be for months and possibly years to come, the citizens of Texas will remain strong and hopeful in the long road ahead.