Disney’s newly animated film Moana staring Auli’I Cravalho (Moana) and Dwayne Johnson (Maui) takes place in ancient Polynesia where the young Chief’s daughter and demigod embark on their quest to reverse the curse that’s destroying life as they know it. …Which of course is all because of Maui himself…
Moana is the next Chief of her village but she longs to venture out into the unknown, something unthinkable to her father. When the life of her village begins to crumble before her eyes she disobeys her father’s word and sets sail to find the one person who can undo the destruction, Maui. Moana washes up on the shores of an uninhibited island (or so she thought) where she finds Maui, stubborn, prideful demigod. After plenty of convincing, Moana and Maui agree to help restore life to the world and reverse the curse. The two characters endure their fair share of danger, bad guys, and the occasional “disagreements” all to save the world.
Throughout the movie catchy buoyant tunes are sung, as well as strong traditional sounds native throughout the South Pacific Islands. The movies’ music was composed by Mark Mancina(“Tarzan“, “August Rush“, “Planes“), Lin-Manuel Miranda (“Hamilton”), and Opetaia Foaʻi (Samoan musician). Songs such as “We Know the Way” give the viewers insight into South Pacific culture and their robust rhythms. Keeping the traditional island harmony while adding a dash of classic Disney show tunes, songs like “You’re Welcome” will be sure to keep you swinging and swaying.
Along with memorable melodies, stunning landscape and visuals are sure to transport the viewers into the movie. With lush green islands, glistening ocean waves, and vibrant plants and animals the movie instantly adds an optimistic tone. To further demonstrate the understanding of ancient Polynesian culture, every detail from clothing and jewelry to customary tattoos are present in the film.
Moana is a must see for any Disney enthusiast or anyone who just wants a splash of something refreshing and entertaining.