Intended to be the eighth installment of the X-Men series, the Marvel character Deadpool will make his cinematic debut on February 12, 2016 in the United States. The story follows a Mr. Wade Wilson (played by Ryan Reynolds) who is a former Special Forces Operative. He discovers he has terminal cancer and does not have long to live. In an effort to cure his ailment, Wilson undergoes an experiment that provides him with accelerated healing abilities but pays the price with an unstable mind, dark and twisted humor, and a disfigured face. The Plot consists of Wilson tracking down the man who nearly ended his life. According to the MPAA, the movie will be rated R for “strong violence and language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity” so viewer discretion is advised.
I’ve seen trailers for this movie and it looks good ..i’m excited to see it.
this looks interesting!
Deadpool looks like a good movie.
I can’t wait to see this movie, the red band trailers were just hilarious!
This will be a awesome movie can’t wait
This movie is gonna be a funny yet good action film and is gonna be one of the best movies this year.
I like deadpool
I’ve never heard of Deadpool before this movie.
Can’t wait it’s going to be good
I like the trailer and I can’t wait for it to come out to threaders I m going to see it with my parents.
It looks like a great movie, cant wait to see it!
im really excited to see this movie. i heard its a great movie.
I’ve heard great reviews on it from my friends, and I’m going to go see it after school. I hope it’ll be good!
Really amazing.
I’ve seen the trailers about it but haven’t seen the movie I’m waiting for it to come out on DVD.
good movie
I’ve seen the movie it’s really good and funny.
Really funny movie, i would watch it 100 times
Great movie! Ryan Reynolds did a great job playing Wade Wilson.
I haven’t seen the movie but judging by the comments it will be a really good movie